Elearning examples
What are prototypes?
Prototypes are functional, interactive sketches that help you design meaningful learning experiences.
Why bother with prototypes?
Prototypes help instructional designers focus on the learner experience early in a project, rather than get bogged down in content details.

Prototyping is learner-centric and can answer questions such as:
- What behaviors are most important?
- Are the activities effective at building the required skills?
- Are the activities motivating?

In contrast, traditional storyboards content-centric and answer questions such as:
- Are all topics covered?
- Is the wording correct?
- Are styles and graphics attractive?
Won’t prototyping slow me down and increase my costs?
No, for two reasons:
- Prototypes are created and evaluated early in the design process. By obtaining feedback when it’s easy to make adjustments, prototyping means less rework in the production phase.
- By taking a learner-centric approach to design, you’ll find that much of the content you might normally place in a course can be provided in a simpler format outside the elearning, such as in a job aid or reference document. Here’s a great job aid from Cathy Moore to help you decide when elearning is appropriate.