Real-world elearning challenge: Improve call center customer satisfaction

customer service rep frustrated

PART 1 of 4: Meet the Challenger

Large financial services company with call centers across the United States.

For the past year, the company has received low call satisfaction ratings from their customers. Customer service reps (CSRs) aren’t escalating calls to supervisors at the appropriate times. This impedes the ability of supervisors to quickly respond to callers and resolve problems.

The company previously provided classroom training to new CSRs, usually at the company’s headquarters. Subsequently, they moved to a train-the-trainer approach where they trained just the supervisors at headquarters, and relied on them to provide training at each call center.

The low grades for responsiveness to callers over the past year have caused the company to scrutinize their approach to training. Before contacting SmartBuilder, they did a fair amount of due diligence, asking themselves many questions about their previous approaches to training. They have decided to focus on elearning, hoping that they can keep costs down while achieving a level of consistency and quality that they haven’t reached with the train-the-trainer approach.

Tune in next week for Part 2 where we’ll determine the business goal for the project. In Part 3, we’ll identify learning activities (what we want learners to DO) and in Part 4 we’ll look at functional activity prototypes.


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