Mobile / HTML5

Bingo game

Christmas update! Here is a Christmas version of the Online Meeting Bingo game to play with your family and friends! Download the source file here, and open it in SmartBuilder to customize the text and graphics. To change the text, scroll down below the page and you’ll see a text object labelled “options text”. You … [Continue Reading]

Making elearning look good on retina displays

Retina display comparison

A retina display (verbiage marketed by Apple) is one that has a high enough resolution that the user cannot discern an individual pixel when looking at it from a normal viewing distance. In other words, the human eye cannot tell the difference between a photo of a painting shown on a retina display, and the … [Continue Reading]

3 Handy Tips for Better Mobile Learning

What is the best stage size and font size to use so a course is easy to take?

Many people, including us at SmartBuilder, are neck deep in the mobile scene with elearning. My experience has exposed many things that contribute to a positive experience on a mobile device. This post shares three things you can easily implement right away to improve the quality of the mobile experiences you’re creating. [Continue Reading]

Select the Right Image Format

As a follow up on my last post about optimizing graphics, I want to address a few ideas concerning the best image format for elearning graphics. When you create graphics for a course, do you save all of the images in the same format? That isn’t uncommon. However, you can use various image formats to … [Continue Reading]

Optimizing Graphics for eLearning

Have you ever thought about how graphics’ file sizes impact elearning courses? Think back to the last video you viewed that buffered while you watched it. Buffering can make a video difficult to follow. The same thing happens when learners wait for graphics to load in elearning. Warning: Images you download from your company network … [Continue Reading]